The bottom engine gaskets have been replaced and…..success… more leaking!! Continue reading “Bottom Engine Gasket Replacement”
General Maintenance: Best Engine Oil
What is the best oil for the Jaguar V12?
Lowering the Front Suspension
To get access to the bottom end gaskets requires either removing the front suspension or pivoting it on the front bolts.
Oil Leaks and Engine Support
A common trope about the Jaguar V12 engine is that it leaks….frequently…and a lot. Well, my experience supports that generally held view.
Banjo Bolts
I have good access to the top end while doing my fuel rail project so it is a good time to take care of the banjo bolts. There are four banjo bolts at the back of the engine as shown in the attached picture. At the rear of each head, at the center oil sender pedestal and the lower one just above the oil filter. Continue reading “Banjo Bolts”